Friday, February 10, 2023

The Roman Road Project - What will we name it?

I began our unit on Roman roads with an overview of the famous roads of ancient Italy. When my students found out that all the roads had names, they immediately seized on the idea of naming our own little road. "Can we name OUR road? What are we gonna call it?"

Some suggestions:

1. Via Caledonia: Caledonia is the ancient Roman name for Scotland. Since our school is Glasgow Middle named after the street it's on, this name would make sense!

2. Via Principalis: The lower east/west road in a Roman military camp or fort was called the principalis because it led to the principia or headquarters of the camp. Not only does our road run east/west, but it also leads to our school's office, the headquarters of sorts.

3. Something else??

Want to help us name it? Check out this survey to vote or offer your own suggestion.

Meanwhile, we finished installing the sand so kids are already trying to walk on the jagged surface of our little road. We are excited to finish!

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